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A space-saving way to hang a whiteboard

With this mounting system, you can easily store your whiteboard underneath a pitched roof
Author: Stefan Wanzenried, 9547 Wittenwil
Online since: 22/12/2021, Number of visits: 53965

At home, I have my office under a sloping roof, which means I lose space on one side of the room. That’s why it is all the more important to make full use of every practical tip and trick to save space. Since I often use a whiteboard for my work, I wanted to find a space-saving way for storing the board. The pitched roof was a good spot for hanging the whiteboard. To utilise the entire available space, I also made my own whiteboard.

Making your own whiteboard for a perfect fit
For my DIY whiteboard, I had a Pavatex board cut to size at my local DIY store. I also ordered eight wooden roof laths cut to size and some wire cable.
Aside from these materials purchased at the DIY store, I also used the following products from supermagnete.ch:
First, I glued the self-adhesive whiteboard sheet onto the Pavatex board. Make sure that you don’t leave any air bubbles. Simply use a soft object to push them out the sides. To prevent the sheet from peeling off during prolonged periods hanging from the pitched roof, I also screwed a wooden frame made of roof laths to both sides of the whiteboard. As a result, the whiteboard film is tucked between the board and the frame.
Please note: The whiteboard is hung sideways. So I used long bolts on one of the two long sides, where I later attached the magnets for mounting it on the wall.

Hanging the whiteboard under the sloping roof
To be able to hang the whiteboard, I drilled holes into one side of the frame. They should be big enough so you can feed steel wires through. I mounted swing bolts for flexible attachment on the ceiling. Then I connected the swing bolts and the whiteboard with steel wire. Of course, you could also use hook bolts or eyebolts to hang the whiteboard.
Important: Make sure that the steel wires all have the same length, otherwise your whiteboard will hang crooked and can no longer be optimally attached to the pitched roof.

Attaching the pot magnets to the frame
Next up were the extra-long bolts on one side of the board. They are part of the mounting system on the whiteboard. So that the whiteboard would stick to the ferromagnetic counterpart underneath the sloped roof, I attached five rubber-coated pot magnets to the lower part of the frame. To create a little space between the wall and the board, I also added two nuts each to the bolts between the frame and the magnets.
Note from the supermagnete team: The rubberised pot magnets are perfect for applications where surfaces should not be scratched. The coating made of rubber protects ferromagnetic surfaces from such scratches as well as wear and tear. It also increases the load capacity of the magnet in shear direction.

Attaching the whiteboard to the wall
A metal rail from an old bookcase served as the ferromagnetic counterpart for the rubberised pot magnets in my whiteboard mounting system since it was easy to simply screw it onto the wall.
To measure the perfect height, I held the board up on the wall where it would hang in the end. After I had mounted the strip on the wall, the DIY whiteboard for my study was complete.

The result
When I want to use the whiteboard, I remove it from underneath the pitched roof with one simple move. When I no longer need it, I "store" it on the wall again. The whiteboard is not obscured in any way, and I can see my notes from anywhere in the room. Since I used a ferromagnetic whiteboard sheet, magnets also stick to it and allow me to attach slips of paper and sketches without any problem.

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