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Levitation in an aluminium S

A cube magnet is levitating for days
Author: Marc Fiammante, St Laurent du Var, France, [email protected]
Online since: 08/03/2012, Number of visits: 377491
I am a huge fan of your existing application on the topic of Levitation. Now, I built myself such a levitation device.

Material needed:

  • 1x CSN-20
  • 1x CSN-25
  • 1x W-05-N
  • 1 piece aluminium 250 x 20 x 2 mm
  • Several pyrolytic graphite plates
  • Super glue


Glue the graphite plates together with super glue in way that you get two pieces of 20 x 30 x 4 mm.
Bend the aluminium into a S shape. At the narrowest point the distance is about 16 mm, between the upper bow about 50 mm.
Glue the graphite plates on the top and the bottom of the narrowest point.
Clamp the pot magnets directly above the graphite plates onto the aluminium.
Move the cube magnet between the graphite plates.
Alter the S shape and the position of the pot magnets until the cube starts to levitate. Once there, it levitates for days and when you blow at it, it keeps turning around its own axis!

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