The world's simplest electronic train
An electro-train made of battery, magnets and copper wire
Online since: 20/05/2015,
Number of visits: 880782
Table of Contents

Material needed
- 2 neodymium disc magnets 15 x 8 mm
- Batteries (our recommendation: several AA LR6 with 1.5 Volt)
- 1 roll copper wire (30-50 m) with 0.8 or 1.0 mm diameter
- Rod with approx. 15 mm diameter
Since we couldn't find an uncoated copper wire at the hardware store next door, we had to make do with a silver-coated one.
Please don't use a plasticised or lacquered copper wire; the experiment won't work.
With the battery ("= = =") and the magnets (S-N und N-S) it looks like this:
S - - - - S-N = = = = = = = = N-S - - - - N
On the left side the "S - - - - S" order causes repulsion.
On the right side the "S - - - - N" order causes attraction.
Hence, the battery is pushed to the right and shoots through the tunnel.
Similar applications
Batterie and magnets are a fascinating combination. We have many more applications with batteries - the distant favourite is The World's Simplest Electric Motor.
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